Affective Touch in Virtual Reality using ultrasound mid-air haptics

Affective Touch in Virtual Reality using ultrasound mid-air haptics is a Master thesis project for the Master’s program Computer Game Science under the supervision of Dr Sofia Seinfeld & Prof Dr Jörg Müller.

It is a Virtual Reality (VR) application where participants can enjoy affective touch which is enhanced by ultrasound mid-air haptics produced by an UltraHaptics board.

Relevant skills:

💡 Working with a provided codebase & project structure

💡 Motion Capturing & 3D Animation

💡 Questionnaire development

Self Assessment Mannequin (arousal)

💡 Running experiments & scientific evaluation of the results

Software used: Unity, MotionBuilder, Blender, Word, Excel, Google Forms

Art imitating art. (A work in progress outtake.)