With a Games/Bavaria cooperation, Lena Fischer from HFF Munich, Jennifer F. Burkhardt from Aesir and me ( Ivette Schmidt ) from Thera Bytes started ExP – Expert Talks and Pretzels in Munich.
The event series kicked off on 30 July 2024 with talks by Borys B. Trienin, Beck Niederländer and Nathalie Galla to make developers fit for gamescom. In addition to indie devs, many other groups of people were present: from students from various universities and games founders to creatives from games design, music and media art. With more than 60 visitors we consider this event a full success!

The following three talks have been part of the event:
- “Business Development Tips & Tricks I Wish I Knew Sooner” (ENG) by Borys B. Trienin, Business Development Manager at Remote Control Productions GmbH
- “Info Speedrun: Gamescom Demo Best Practices” (DE) by Beck Niederländer, Producer at Jumpy Bit
- “Networking in the games industry” (DE) by Nathalie Galla, Community & Communications at Godot Foundation and Beck Niederländer

If you’re curious about more details you can also read an article on gamesmarkt that was published about the event: read it here.
I’m very exited for the upcoming events in September and November. See you there!

P.S. If you’re interested in being a speaker @ExP contact us via: exp.muc@gmail.com

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